If you have interesting Larry
Jennings memorabilia or photos that you would like to share on
this site, please contact us at:
This site is the result of the hard work and
dedication of B.J. Jennings and Lee Asher.
We would also like to thank all those who contributed
to this project:
Michael Ammar
Sophie Ashton-Evans
Gordon Bean
Hal Beavers
David Ben
Marc Caplan
Jack Carpenter
Bruce Cervon
Michael Close
Rich Cowley
Dean Dill
Ernest Earick
Aaron Fisher
Shawn Greer
J.K. Hartman
Mark Horowitz
Art Johnson
Joel Kaplan
Hideo Kato
Roger Klause
Ray Kosby
Dan Lubell
Gene Matsuura
Allen Okawa
Johnny Ould
Keith Pascal
James Patton
David Regal
Dr. Hiroshi Sawa
Randy Shirley
Deane Stern
Eric Svilpis
Jim Swain
Yves Tourigny
Ron Vergilio
Paul Vigil
Michael Vincent
Roy Walton
Michael Weber
Damon Webster
Ron Wilson